Atualização na google play negada apos configuração anuncio tipo intersticial

Bom dia.

Após a publicação do meu app com sucesso na Google Play, segui o passo a passo para configurar os anúncios, onde optei por pelo tipo “Intersticial”. Em seguida gerei um novo novo arquivo APK e fiz a atualização na Google play Console, porém foi negado, onde revebi o e-mail abaixo.

O que aconteceu e o que devo fazer?

Segue email da Google Play:
Hi Developers at SERGIO HENRIQUE SONA, Thanks for submitting Drone - Curso Teórico Básico ( to Google Play. After review, your app has been rejected due to a policy violation. If you submitted an update, the previous version of your app is still available on Google Play. Issue: Violation of Interfering with Apps, Third-party Ads, or Device Functionality policy Ads associated with your app must not interfere with other apps, ads, or the operation of the device, including system or device buttons and ports. This includes overlays, companion functionality, and widgetized ad units. Ads must only be displayed within the app serving them. Next steps: Read through the Interfering with Apps, Third-party Ads, or Device Functionality policy and make appropriate changes to your app. Be sure to remove any ads that appear after the user has exited the app, or after the user has pressed the back button to exit the app.
Make sure that your app is compliant with all other Developer Program Policies. Additional enforcement could occur if there are further policy violations.
Sign in to your Play Console and submit the update to your app.
If you’ve reviewed the ads policy and feel this decision may have been in error, please reach out to our policy support team. One of my colleagues will get back to you within 2 business days. Best, Google Play Review Team Att


Sugiro vc desativar o intersticial e deixar apenas o banner no rodapé… A Google está bastante restrita quanto ao uso do intersticial, pois ele atrapalha a usabilidade e navegabilidade ocasionando cliques indesejados no anúncio. Tente tbm reduzir a frequência desse anúncio!


Já resolveu?Já resolveu?Já resolveu?